Welcome to askleo.tech!
This website was created to share information about technology, provide computer help, be inspiring,
and most importantly have fun with computer humor.

In 2015 I wanted to make a career change after spending 10 years in retail customer service. I made the decision to go to Centriq Training and get a certificate in IT Administration.
My passion is to serve and help those in need and lead by example. I want every encounter with clients to be a crazy amazing experience and empower them by sharing knowledge.
Teamwork makes the dreamwork!
No matter what you do in life or where you work, in my experience uniting and working as a team will always bring success.
While superheroes are amazing on their own, the Avengers truly stand out because their strength lies in their unity as a team.
Never did I think running would give me an outlet to clear my mind and reset let alone lose over 200 lbs. They say to make something a habit do it for 30 days.
Running is now my 7+ year old habit.
What you get from askleo.tech
Troubleshooting and solutions
Troubleshooting and solutions
Inspiration and tips
Troubleshooting and solutions
Giving credit where credit is due
Provide recommendations to keep you digitally safe
Coming soon....